yeah. first time with him and after i was always it was always good. monica says even in their moments of intimacy the man she knew as mark stern clammed up whenever she asked for details about his past. what he told me was, don t ask me my past, please. don t ask. exactly. still, monica says the relationship became serious enough that she introduced him to her parents, who were quite taken by this sophisticated american. with my parents, talked about economy, talked about experience on the mountain, philosophy. philosophy. philosophy, yeah. philosophy, a tantalizing clue perhaps but only for someone familiar with the life story of a certain
and that was impressive for me because i m quiet. according to monica, her mark stern was a born romantic, who knew how to sweep a girl off her feet. so valentine s day 2009, he arrived with this rose with a big smile, was an amazing night. so there happened private things. love. yeah. yeah. first time with him and after i was always it was always good. monica says even in their moments of intimacy the man she knew as mark stern clammed up whenever she asked for details about his past. what he told me was, don t ask me my past, please. don t ask. exactly. still, monica says the relationship became serious
yeah. yeah. first time with him and after i was always it was always good. monica says even in their moments of intimacy the man she knew as mark stern clammed up whenever she asked for details about his past. what he told me was, don t ask me my past, please. don t ask. exactly. still, monica says the relationship became serious enough that she introduced him to her parents, who were quite taken by this sophisticated american. with my parents, talked about economy, talked about experience on the mountain, philosophy. philosophy. philosophy, yeah. philosophy, a tantalizing clue perhaps but only for someone familiar with the life story of a certain
yeah. yeah. first time with him, and after, i was always was good. rob stafford: but monica says even in their moments of intimacy, the man she knew as mark stern clammed up whenever she asked for details about his past. what he told me was, don t ask don t ask me my past, please. don t ask. exactly. rob stafford: still, monica says the relationship became serious enough that she introduced him to her parents, who were quite taken by this sophisticated american. with my parents, talked about economy, talked about experience, the mountain, philosophy. philosophy? philosophy, yeah. camus. rob stafford: camus? philosophy a tantalizing clue, perhaps, but only for someone familiar with the life story of a certain free-spending,
things. love. yeah. yeah. first time with him and after i was always it was always good. monica says even in their moments of intimacy the man she knew as mark stern clammed up whenever she asked for details about his past. what he told me was, don t ask me my past, please. don t ask. exactly. still, monica says the relationship became serious enough that she introduced him to her parents, who were quite taken by this sophisticated american. with my parents, talked about economy, talked about experience on the mountain, philosophy. philosophy. philosophy, yeah.