i and the police commissioner ramsey. i have a great idea for the new season. don t do drugs. kennedy: now in fairness they said there were just trying to get people to look at the social media page not making a statement but congratulations that worked. there is a spike of drug use in philadelphia they are trying to erase that image. i feel that i always used to watch saved by the bell bin now should i? [laughter] that was enjoyable spirit that was part of the psa they recorded. three favorite episode
los angeles he ran a club band would have surging gas to come at night and said any age you to take care of this guy. i was the guy inside to protected them and everytime might cave is you have him. kennedy: did you ever have to protect him? no. you hear bad things but he was a class act. kennedy: who was your favorite? schaede was the nicest. she always remembered my name. kennedy: did you get her pregnant? direct a court case is out with that. that was nice. she was in it and a real-estate deal they were back-and-forth.
she is wondering where everyone is asking her about this gash on her forehead. why is everyone so concerned as blood is pouring down her face. is an issue it is supportive you add your being and her character and voters are responding to that. kennedy: her spokesperson said the decline you get to the person in your to the point you are talking about wiping servers you were at the end of legitimate questions. really the first legitimate question in the campaign so why are you wiping servers? but short of taking the place to smash them you cannot so they will find out what they were trying to hide. and judge napolitano said
kennedy: donald trump is flushing out the proposed immigration planned to the point of seeming security barriers. i know how to build and to get it done. we will have a great wall to throw up the great wall of trompe. it will be a great wall and actually it could be good looking. kennedy: it will be great. he said he was just being facetious but his plans to include deporting 12 million immigrants even those with the high-tech work visa. breaking it down let s discuss the economics. what would it cost to
jobs and we re stealing jobs than i have it did i steal a job? no. i am having kids someday they will compete are they stealing? no. they will probably be working together so it is the wrong way to frame it it is not economics works. kennedy: that is what gets frustrating then maybe i over simplify but doesn t that grow the economy? it does. you cannot think of work in the high-stakes some to do value-added activities that creates opportunities won a lower rate wager madrid takes a job it gives them the opportunity to reinvest somewhere else that creates opportunities for