don t take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you ve had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto.
is higher prices you are paying don t appear to be coming down anytime soon. the latest data shows consumers paying 5 percent more compared to last year that is the highes level since january of 1991 which stands out we have more o how the chain is dealing with the rising crisis this is something we are all seeing on the shelves and i feel like everybody is talking about this. everybody is talking about this because it is impacting everybody. in increase of 5.4 percent over the year salaries have gone up only 5 percent. there are different categories that are really jumping out.
thank the gods. don t thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. next month it s closing five more. don t interfere with people taking whatever they want and bicycling out the front door. across the area that hit stores in broad daylight with cell phones recording all of this because under state law theft o under a thousand dollars is jus a misdemeanor and they carry calculators to know just how much to take before reaching th threshold. they are sold online with third-party sellers can remain anonymous. they are working to change this seeing organized retail crime i a $40 billion a year industry one result is more drug stores closing for good.
died by strangulation and rulin her death a homicide. refusing to repeal much else because wyoming state law prevented him from giving more details. what s next? we know it looks like she was strangled which sent to much of a leap from the report but othe than that nobody is saying much. what else could be in the autopsy report that could give us more information? it s great to be with you as always. s death by strangulation doesn t surprise me and i don t think his surprise anybody that s following the case personally. i think i expected strangulatio or blunt force trauma.
that show what they are doing i washington is actually hurting the economy. they are failing small businesses we have a democratic led congress and the president does obsessed with this $5 trillion bonanza a monstrosity which does not address the problems at home which is that small businesses are not able to hire enough tha people are quitting their jobs because of stimulus checks. inflation is skyrocketing. these are huge problems that th political class running washington does not seem to understand or care about. you get the feeling that the democrats they just want to remake a country and they reall don t care if we have five year of declining economic prospects and inflation attacks on the