we have won in the west the midwest, and the south, and we re ready to win across this country! [ applause ] i want to thank again my wife, i know that those who have seen her on the campaign trail, the common refrain is more karen, less rick but i m working on it. i m trying to get as good as she is at this political stuff, but she has been an amazing partner for me and my conscience, my biggest supporter, my most important, my most honest critic and someone who kept our family together and continues to do remarkable and incredible things every day for me and all of us, thank you very much, my love. [ applause ]
we have won in the west, the midwest and the south. and we are ready to win across this country. i want to thank again, my wife. i know that you know, those who have seen her on the campaign trail, the common refrain is, more karen, less rick. but i am working on it. i am trying to get as good as she is at this political stuff because she has been an amazing partner for me and my conscience, my biggest supporter, my most important my most honest critic and someone who has kept our family together and continues to do remarkable and incredible things for me and all of us. thank you very much, my love.