Plata rovinietei si a taxei peste poduri se va face cu intreruperi in primele ore ale zilei de vineri, 13 august, anunta Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere (CNAIR) .
CNAIR a selectat in aceasta luna sase dintre cele 15 preofertele pentru proiectarea si executia tronsonului trei (Cornetu-Tigveni) din viitoarea autostrada Sibiu-Pitesti..
Fans and celebrities react to JJ Watt s split from the Texans
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) As you can imagine, the news that J.J. Watt is leaving the Houston Texans after a decade with the team is heartbreaking for fans.
The face of the Houston Texans since 2011, Watt took to Twitter on Friday morning, saying he s leaving the team, the only one in the NFL he has ever played for. J.J. Watt is a die-hard Texan, all everyday, so for him to be released, it s just unfair. So the front office needs to be changed. Something needs to be changed, Texans fan Trevoy said. I was really hoping for him to stay.
Updated: 5:55 PM EST Jan 27, 2021 ANNAPOLIS, Md. A $3.5 million settlement was approved Wednesday as the University of Maryland announced a partnership with the Jordan McNair Foundation.The Maryland Board of Public Works approved a $3.5 million settlement from the University of Maryland to the family and estate of Jordan McNair.McNair, 19, was a University of Maryland football player who collapsed after a workout and was hospitalized with heatstroke symptoms on May 29, 2018. He died on June 13, 2018.Also Wednesday, the University of Maryland announced several initiatives in partnership with the Jordan McNair Foundation, focusing on student-athlete health and safety programs. Today s unprecedented settlement and partnership with the University of Maryland further emphasize that our son’s tragic death will not be in vain, Marty McNair, Jordan McNair s father, said in a statement released by the university. We are now focused on honoring Jordan s legacy. This includes p