The bill establishes an Iowa Office of Apprenticeship within Iowa Workforce Development, which will be responsible for the registration and certification of apprenticeships.
Beth L. Anderson, 57, of Woodhull, passed away at home with her husband and children at her side on Monday, January 25, 2021, at 9:29 AM.
Beth was born on August 13, 1963, in Woodhull. She was the daughter of Donald and Carolyn (Good) Ward. She met Tom Anderson in 2002 and later they married on March 17, 2009, at the Henry County Courthouse. Together they have shared and celebrated 18 years together. Beth is survived by her husband, Tom; children, Christy Carver of Galesburg, Kimberly Foster and Daniel Anderson, both of Woodhull; four grandchildren, Jacob Fuller, Jada Palmer, Skyler Sedlacek, and Landon Wunderlich; her precious dog she loved dearly, Simon baby; two brothers, Mark Ward and Rick Ward, and a sister, Pam Goerth; and a special friend sister, Suzie. She was preceded in death by her parents, brother, Rusty Ward, and a grandson, Ryan Matthew Carver.