Courtesy Photos Above is a barred owl and below are cedar waxwings in these photos taken by TBAS members during the Christmas Bird Count.
ALPENA Some do it for fun, some do it for fresh air, and some do it to commune with nature. Whatever your pleasure, birding is a free hobby you can do all year long at any age, and even during a pandemic.
“It is the perfect pandemic hobby,” said Andrew Wolfgang, who has been birdwatching since he was 6 years old. Now 30, the Alpena High School biology teacher still enjoys birding.
“I really enjoy it and I’ve been doing it quite awhile,” Wolfgang said. “The thing I like about it is that you never know what you’re going to find, so each day is kind of like a treasure hunt. You don’t know what’s out there. It’s always relaxing, too, if you pick the right places.”