Goonie's Comedy Club, which has been bringing comedians to Rochester since 2005, plans to host a show on Sept. 9, its first in the Crooked Pint Ale House’s new home within the Ramada by Wyndham hotel at 1625 S. Broadway.
The signs are almost there. Recent building permits for new signs signal that Rochester's long-time comedy club – Goonies – will take the stage again on Broadway in the near future.
The owner of a 103-year-old building in downtown Rochester has filed to demolish the former Olmsted County Bank building at 7 Second St. SW. The building underwent an extensive remodel for a restaurant in 2019. It closed in January 2020.
103-year-old bank building slated for demolition
The owner of a 103-year-old building in downtown Rochester has filed to demolish the former Olmsted County Bank building at 7 Second St. SW. The building underwent an extensive remodel for a restaurant in 2019. It closed in January 2020. 2:45 pm, Apr. 27, 2021 ×
The 103-year-old former Olmsted County Bank and Trust Co. building Tuesday afternoon, April 27, 2021, in downtown Rochester. (Joe Ahlquist /
The owner of a 103-year-old building in downtown Rochester has filed paperwork to demolish the former bank building.
Mike Hawkins filed a permit Monday to demolish the
Olmsted County Bank building at 7 Second St. SW. Hawkins was not available for comment about his plans.