crystal was gone, and there were lots of reasons to worry. she had numerous lovers, me and women. you had the husband and boyfriend failing polys. on the same day the answer would have t wait hurricane harvey is movin in this direction and high water rescues. we re stuck in the house an immediately went to social media. what kind of things pictures of her and her license plate. someone knew where she was, someone that liked to play games. he thought he was smarter than we were willing to trade one nigh of freedom he said i m ready to talk let me go home and tomorrow morning i ll tell yo everything in exchange for the terribl truth. if he couldn t have her nobody could. crystal was young mom and brought th search for crystal to a halt - then hurricane harvey decimate her texas town and brought the search for krystal to a halt but in a lead investigator forged ahead, uncovering a series of clues and as the floodwaters receded, h discovered the
innocent man that had nothin to do with crystal s disappear ranls. d. a. leak by then ha enough evidence to charg mcdowell with murder but she believed she needed one more piece of evidence to ensure conviction i wanted that body. why is that important well, it s important for lot of reasons. it s easier to try a murder trial when you ve got a dead body. it just is. but, you know, she deserved to be found. you know? sh deserved to be found. her kids deserved for her body to b found. her family deserved for her to be found. investigators all believe mcdowell knew where the body was but he staed fastly denied any involvement in crystal s disappearance. after an hour o getting nowhere, mcdowell wa allowed to go home to hi children but now, district attorney leak and ranger jeter had a whole new problem on their hands. i had found some folks that i had interviewed throughout the week that had said he actually talked about murder