i think new yorkers want to see him come back. i really do. i think there is something satisfying. it is human nature to see somebody fall from grace and then help him back up. people feel noble about that. it makes them feel good. i would be more inspired if the woman came out and had sex with him. that would be more inspiring. at least we would have shown it worked. you don t need to be inspired by that. this is only the democratic primary we are talking about, the insignificant thing in new york. the real question is whether you were running for mayor as you revealed for the first time. first of all you have to be this tall to run for mayor. right there, everybody. come on. it. i am running. my platform is good stuff and death to mccurio. i think already i will get about 40%, 50% of the vote based on that. but i also have name recognition without sending nude pictures of myself out there.
i think new yorkers want to see him come back. i really do. i think there is something satisfying. it is human nature to see somebody fall from grace and then help him back up. people feel noble about that. it makes them feel good. i would be more inspired if the woman came out and had sex with him. that would be more inspiring. at least we would have shown it worked. you don t need to be inspired by that. this is only the democratic primary we are talking about, the insignificant thing in new york. the real question is whether you were running for mayor as you revealed for the first time. first of all you have to be this tall to run for mayor. right there, everybody. come on. it. i am running. my platform is good stuff and death to mccurio. i think already i will get about 40%, 50% of the vote based on that. but i also have name recognition without sending nude pictures of myself out there.
abuse bill as much. we abuse mccurio. but to a lesser extent we can abuse bill. these are the vacation days for mee. these are the one days i don t have to suffer as much abuse and you are making a block hard on me. what was the question? the question was why are you a loser? i don t like the way this show is going and i would like to further remind you that paul mccure paul mccurio is to my right. first look at the color combo. it is like the gap exploded on you. i thought this, woulded out well. no, it looks nice. what do you have to say, mustache? i don t look like your normally polite comrades here. bill never asked the question. paul and i will give you this is right. they are leaving two ads in the airport that have the text saying this is what the faces of global terrorism look like, and then nothing. they can at least put psych
that s the way it is. what they want to do is take the faces off and leave the words up. apparently i need a poster to tell me, if you see a terrorist, report it? the other thing is if this is the worst thing that we can say it is in seattle. is that a hotbed for terrorism in seattle? i think every city can be. i guess. i mean it feels to me sort of like we are so politically correct that we are putting our own lives at stake to be politically correct. you are right. for once i agree with you. we are putting split cat correctness before security and it does not make us less safe. bill, your face has been on the side of a bus, but you were trying to lick dried ice cream off it. trying? i succeeded, dude. it was delicious. ambassador, you were supposed to focus on mccurio. i am in a hands-off position right here. i didn t get the memo. mccurio is on, we don t
the beginning of the night. i think that s a phil collins song. it was the b side to susudeo. remember that song he did called the legal alien. that was sting. they should hire you for the red eye christmas party for stand up. we have had five red eye christmas parties and not invited you. we have it in july to make sure you don t show up. one of our most frequent greatests and we said, hey we can have a hundred people there and they say you only have 75 people on the list and you can have 100. mccurio and i still say no. you can have 25 mccurios. he always comes with an empty bag and leaves with it full of shrimp. i keep telling him they are not good the next day. you have to eat them that night. he sleeps on it like a pillow. most people like cold