Reported Incidents for Feb. 15-21 100 blk. of McCormick Pkwy, Tamie Weimer, 38, was issued an arrest summons for Drove under Restraint. 500 blk. of North 19th St, Jeffrey Bricker, 30, of Florence, was arrested for First-Degree Criminal Trespass, Criminal Attempt to Commit other Felony, Disorderly Conduct, Harassment, Domestic Violence, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Unlawful […]
Reported Incidents for Dec. 14-20 900 blk. of Whipple Ave, Charles Smith, 37, was issued an arrest summons for Theft. Cherry St and North Raynolds Ave, William Keene, 65, of Alamosa, was arrested for Harassment, Crimes against at Risk Adult, Domestic Violence and Third-Degree Criminal Trespass. 400 blk. of Royal Gorge Blvd, Justin Gallardo, 31, […]
Reported Incidents for Nov.16-22 2300 blk. of Central Ave, Jonathan Rico, 30, was arrested for Harassment, Disorderly Conduct, Obstructing a Peace Officer, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Domestic Violence. 600 blk. of Greydene Ave, Phillip Herrera, 53, was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant. 400 blk. of Main St, Jerry St. John, 31, was arrested […]
Reported Incidents for Sept. 28 to Oct. 4 100 blk. of McCormick Pkwy, Kehinde Jackson, 47, was issued an arrest summons for Trespassing. 1100 blk. of Harrison Ave, Christopher Arldt, 52, was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant. 1200 blk. of Main St, Amy Montoya, 33, was issued an arrest summons for Theft. Sheridan Ave […]
Reported Incidents for Sept. 7-13 300 blk. of North 16th St, Mathew Studebaker, 26, was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant. 1600 blk. of East Main St, Crystal Anderson, 36, of Pueblo, was issued an arrest summons for Littering and Unlawful Conduct on Public Property. 1600 blk. of East Main St, Jon Malterer, 69, was […]