The show, set for Oct. 26 and 27 at AcA, combines technology, interactive gaming, music, fashion and design to inspire courage, hope and a sense of community.
LPD hosts Community Walk
and last updated 2021-05-03 19:01:45-04
The Lafayette Police Department hosted a community walk today in the McComb-Veazey neighborhood.
The LPD hosted the event with other local law enforcement partners and the Law Enforcement Community Relations Committee.
The event started in front of the McComb-Veazey Community House on Twelfth Street.
Law Enforcement Officers with the Lafayette Police Department, Lafayette Parish Sheriff s Office and the Lafayette City Marshal s Office walked the neighborhood to visit with residents, listened to any concerns and introduced themselves.
Food was provided and Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center Professionals were on site administering COVID-19 Vaccines.
Lafayette Police Conduct Community Walk set for May 3
Food and COVID vaccines will be available for the public
MGN Online
and last updated 2021-04-29 15:58:50-04
Lafayette Police Department along with local law enforcement partners and the Law Enforcement Community Relations Committee will be conducting a community walk on May 3 beginning at 6:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Meet before the walk at the McComb-Veazey Community House located at 419 Twelfth Street, Lafayette.
Law Enforcement Officers with the Lafayette Police Department, Lafayette Parish Sheriffâs Office and the Lafayette City Marshalâs Office will be walking the neighborhood to visit with residents, listen to any concerns and introduce themselves.