if he s concerned he would do something inappropriate. mccarthy doesn t want to be in the middle of that. but it shows that mccarthy kind of basically believes donald trump committed crimes. what do you pardon for? you pardon for criminal acts. as richard nixon was, i m sure that was in his mind almost 50 years ago. so, that also suggests they knew the gravity of what trump done. it s so important when you put it that way. it is the gravity. it s a reminder that we hear about things are so polarized in america, we can t agree on common facts. part of that is not inevitable. that is the result of leaders or people who are in these positions and fail to lead because they agreed on the common facts there. and professor murray is standing by. since bill brings it up, let s go to that. there s the bit about the pardons and the 25th amendment. i have something on that for viewers. but mccarthy was among the republicans as we were just discussing who thought trump was so dangerous that he h