Rough Beasts Nativity
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Some forty years ago, at a time when Catholic seminaries had been fully infiltrated by homosexuals and modernists, I attended a Christmas pageant hosted by seminarians. Anticipating something sacred I was shocked instead to be a witness to a horrific sacrilege. In a blasphemous parody on the Nativity of our Lord, one seminarian dressed as Mary was riding upon another seminarian pretending to be a donkey. I dare not put in print the sexual innuendoes that were spoken and acted out in this parody but suffice it to share that after the birth of the Christ Child, three seminarians dressed as the Magi presented a naked plastic doll representing Jesus with three gifts: a bottle of booze, a case of beer, and a carton of cigarettes.
(28 votes)
Fr. Celatus has the longest-running byline in The Remnant Newspaper. To read his The Last Word on the back page of every print-edition of The Remnant, Subscribe Today!
Some forty years ago, at a time when Catholic seminaries had been fully infiltrated by homosexuals and modernists, I attended a Christmas pageant hosted by seminarians. Anticipating something sacred I was shocked instead to be a witness to a horrific sacrilege. In a blasphemous parody on the Nativity of our Lord, one seminarian dressed as Mary was riding upon another seminarian pretending to be a donkey. I dare not put in print the sexual innuendoes that were spoken and acted out in this parody but suffice it to share that after the birth of the Christ Child, three seminarians dressed as the Magi presented a naked plastic doll representing Jesus with three gifts: a bottle of booze, a case of beer, and a carton of cigarettes.
(AP images/CNS photo)
The year began with Pope Francis slapping the hand of a pilgrim who grabbed him and would not let go as he tried to walk through St. Peter’s Square on New Year’s Eve. The human reaction of the pope is what passed as viral news, worthy of spirited debate, in early January. We had no idea what we were in for.
Here at
America, as at pretty much every news outlet in the United States, the year 2020 was dominated by three huge, intersecting stories, each of them with repercussions for the church.
“A Coronavirus Prayer,” written by executive editor Kerry Weber and translated into five other languages, was America’s most popular content of the year. (CNS photo/Kham, Reuters)
December 17, 2020
CWN Editor s Note: Father Gianni Criveller, dean of studies of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions’ International Missionary School of Theology in Milan, described reading the McCarrick Report as “unbearable.” He added that “until Benedict XVI, no one stopped (Legion of Christ founder Marcial) Maciel, who was supported and covered by two cardinal secretaries: Stanislaw Dziwisz and Angelo Sodano . . . I think that out of a sense of justice, and for the honor of John Paul II, the two cardinals have the duty to tell the people of God what happened.”
The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.
Post-McCarrick report dialogue zeroes in on ‘hyperclerical culture’
Pope John Paul II embraces Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington after placing the red biretta on the new cardinal during a consistory ceremony in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Feb. 21, 2001. The pope named the now- disgraced former cardinal to head the Washington Archdiocese Nov. 22, 2000. (CNS photo/Arturo Mari, L’Osservatore Romano)
By Mark Pattison • Catholic News Service • Posted December 14, 2020
WASHINGTON (CNS) One month to the day that the Vatican released its report on since-laicized cardinal Theodore McCarrick, a panel of academics took a close look at what one called a “hyperclerical culture” that allowed McCarrick’s sexual misconduct to go unchecked.