Particular request . I take issue with the premise of the question. We moved as soon as we received a request from the government of the philippines. This has been a tragically developing situation, obviously. It, we mistake about moved as quickly as we could in the wake of the terrible storm. Why not send the amphibious ships . We are not ruling out any capability. Nearest is in japan right now. I am not ruling out the possibility that they could be moved to the philippines. Have a significant array of assets to bring to bear, to assist. That is what we will continue to do. General kennedy says the amphibious ships have the andity to deploy vehicles small boats to help with search and to move supplies over to grief stricken areas. If he says he needs that capability, why are you not sending it . We are working very hard to give general kennedy what ever he needs to support relief efforts in the philippines in consultation with the department of state and the Philippine Government. We
Saved kur consumers a lot of money. The other thing when we go to save rules or law in financial area to protect consumers were met with criticism its going to dry up access to credit. Nobody will lend if they have to protect consumers, like its a horrible, unmentionable, impossible to understand objective. In this case, what we were able to determine was that the access to credit issues were limited. To the extent there was constriction in access to credit parcelled out in the crisis which caused restrictions on access to credit, they were in terms of product lines utilized by consumers, theres still plenty of unused product line. It was cut back in that regard. Some intended by the act. There were a lot of concerns about College Students going off to college, leaving home, having credit cards actively marketed to them and getting into credit where they had no apparent income to repay. I remember when i was treasurer in ohio hearing a lot of heartburn about that. That was intended eff
with their preparation. i have not read the court opinion yet so i don t know if it has and the opening for any congressional action. we will see, but it is disappointing because it strengthens the hand of special-interest. but again. i haven t read my lawyers are looking it over. .. president obama is attempting to serve speculation and risky moves by banks. when he s done, you ll here more. chief economist for the white house economic recovery advisory board. good morning, everybody. i just had a very productive meeting with two members of my economic recovery advisory board, paul volcker. what is the former chair of the federal reserve board and phil donaldson, previously the head of the fcc. i deeply appreciate the counsel and these two leaders and the board that we have offered as we ve dealt with economic challenges. over the past two years, more than 7 million people have lost jobs. rarely does a day go by that i don t hear from folks that are hurting. every day,