Press Release – Adam Art Gallery
Walking tour
2pm Saturday 22 May 2021
Meet at Adam Art Gallery
Rain day: 2pm Sunday 23 May
Detail of ‘prison’ bricks, Tasman Street Brick Wall, Wellington, 2021 (photo: Christina Barton)
A feature of artist Kate Newby’s practice is the way it is rooted in her observations of the world around her. Signs of this are manifold in
YES TOMORROW, her solo exhibition at Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi. They include the found glass scavenged from the streets of Wellington that has made its way into the show, and the clay-tile drains that are the inspiration for her installation above the Terrace Tunnel.
2pm Saturday 22
May 2021
Meet at Adam Art
Rain day: 2pm Sunday 23
Detail of ‘prison’
bricks, Tasman Street Brick Wall, Wellington, 2021 (photo:
Christina Barton)
A feature of artist Kate Newby’s
practice is the way it is rooted in her observations of the
world around her. Signs of this are manifold in
TOMORROW, her solo exhibition at Adam Art Gallery Te
Pātaka Toi. They include the found glass scavenged from the
streets of Wellington that has made its way into the show,
and the clay-tile drains that are the inspiration for her
installation above the Terrace Tunnel.