ethics review. you know it. he claims it wasn t a federal record, a sensitive federal record. he claims his memo to the file wasn t a federal record. that doesn t pass the straight face test, doesn t it? that s a lie. everybody will think i m making this up. i m disgusted with jim comey. i have been for over a year. this is disgraceful. and because we have this crazy anti-trump media, they make him ce laura: why aren t they made. they were led down the garden path, too. a disgraceful prosecutor. he s everything they ve been against for years. the out of control prosecutor who prosecutes people for his own ambition, this guy is a disgrace. left or right, he s a disgrace. and he s very dangerous. laura: but the noble goal that he and mccabe andstrzok by. you can do anything you can lie, you can cheat, you can try to get manafort to lie. 13 times you put him in solitary