target is 2% so we are five times above that rate and some inflation, food inflation up until march 2023 was running at 19.2% so nearly twice the overall rate of inflation in the bank of england seeks to increase rates and essentially make people less able to spend money to reduce demand on the economy and the more it increases rates the theory goes the more prices will be inclined not to rise as fast as they have been. in recent times i will skip back a couple of graphs. this is the interest rate which is 0.1% until december 2021 and has been rising very rapidly until here, a.25%. in recent times it has been very low. back to the financial crisis of 2008 when that was the last time interest rates at this level. they have been
Garcia Discusses New Bills Live With KHTS
Congressman Mike Garcia, R-Santa Clarita, spoke with KHTS on Wednesday about the issues he is currently concerned with, including a repeal of the state death tax as well as a new bill for military spouses to transfer professional licenses across state lines.
On Wednesday, Congressman Garcia interviewed with KHTS, discussing several areas of concern including a new bill, the Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act he is supporting concerning professional license transfers.
“This is something that is long overdue,” said Garcia on this new bill. “Spouses who come to California who are professionals in any industry such as nurses or real estate agents actually have to apply for credentials all over again, and get re-certified basically in their industry.”