The road is owned by a subsidiary of the company cintra, the company contracted by ncdot to build the i77 toll lanes. And knicks transportation secretary is now looking for ways to break the contract after news of the bankruptcy broke late on wednesday. At the end of the day what you have this is an embarrassment. Thats welcome news to the commissioner who is opposed to the contract with cintra from the start. Ncdot used texas as the poster child of why Program Perspective and so now it boils up in blows up in their face and i told you so if they dont get out when this happens. On wednesday a spokesperson told on your side that the bankruptcy will have no impact on the i77 project and the Company Looks forward to continuing the work in North Carolina. Now ncdot said the secretary of transportation will head to spokesperson said he could not provide details on a time line or options moving forward. Live in the newsroom. Thank you very much. We have extensive coverage of the toll lane pr
It’s 6 a.m. at the Sedgwick County Zoo and Erica Royer with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and Claire Mc Sweeney from the Zoological Society of London prepare to start a 12-hour
FIVE patients are waiting six to seven years for a first appointment at an outpatients diabetes clinic in the Mid-West, new official figures have revealed.