Marginalized by one of their own. laughter cheers and applause right . Yes this is what im saying you understand me id expect more from one of our most prominent human dildos, and i just think dildoamericans should be standing up for other dildos. Is all im saying here. But i guess back in 2004, cruz was just another selfhating dildo. Im sorry, youre right this comparison is totally unfair. Dildos have actually pleasured women. cheers and applause man man i cant get over this, a brief that cruz wrote said using sex toys was like hiring a willing prostitute. I know what youre thinking, willing prostitute . Thats a strange choice of words. Well, its actually a legal distinction. Under the haw, there are willing prostitutes, which means they engage in sex work of their own volition, and unwilling prostitutes, which probably means they just got hired by ted cruz. Thats the distinction. Thats how you separate that. I am not making this up, guys. Cruz also wrote, there is no substantiveduepr
audience chanting larry larry im not running for anything. I am larry wilmore. Youre too kind. I have Bassem Youssef on the show tonight, you guys cheers and applause im very excited about that. This is a funny and brave man. Let me tell you. First things first, i need to get serious for a second. We make a lot of jokes on this show, but theres an issue that i feel deserves some real attention, and its not easy to talk about, but brace yourselves ted cruz hates dildos. Yeah, i said it. As mother jones dug up earlier this week, in 2004, ted cruz fought to preserve a law that banned the sale of dildos in texas. I know, im not making h this up. I agree with you. I wish i was. This really gets me, you guys, because its just such a shame to see dildos persecuted and marginalized by one of their own. laughter cheers and applause right . Yes this is what im saying you understand me id expect more from one of our most prominent human dildos, and i just think dildoamericans should be standing u
Larry thank you very much such a good crowd cheers and applause thursday welcome to the nightly show audience chanting larry larry im not running for anything. I am larry wilmore. Youre too kind. I have Bassem Youssef on the show tonight, you guys cheers and applause im very excited about that. This is a funny and brave man. Let me tell you. First things first, i need to get serious for a second. We make a lot of jokes on this show, but theres an issue that i feel deserves some real attention, and its not easy to talk about, but brace yourselves ted cruz hates dildos. Yeah, i said it. As mother jones dug up earlier this week, in 2004, ted cruz fought to preserve a law that banned the sale of dildos in texas. I know, im not making h this up. I agree with you. I wish i was. This really gets me, you guys, because its just such a shame to see dildos persecuted and marginalized by one of their own. laughter cheers and applause right . Yes this is what im saying you understand me id expect m