The virtual presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health on Tuesday, 18 May 2021, by the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) president, Professor Mbulaheni Nemutandani, is so astounding as to leave one wondering if you had encountered a dialogue emanating from the
Twilight Zone.
The HPCSA slides presented on the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill hearings, stated that the NHI should be the only funding mechanism for health in South Africa but also that “private medical aid schemes may continue to exists [sic] but funded separately over and above tax paid for the NHI”. So, the logical question is which statement does he or the HPCSA intend?
Picture: iStock.
The Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) has “systemically snubbed” at least 380 South African doctors trained abroad, meaning they are not working, despite the country desperately needing doctors. According to the South African Internationally Trained Health Professionals Association (SAITHPA), not only has the HPCSA reneged on its commitment to allow the foreign-trained doctors to write board examinations, but it has also demanded proof of internship the applicants cannot not produce. The nonprofit organisation, which represents SA citizens with medical and allied health degrees from foreign institutions, is worried the New Pathway Guideline prevents internationally qualified doctors from practising in.