continue to say that the finding and the new york attorney general case is a witch hunt and unfair. i think you will hear very similar things to what we ve heard before. as a prosecutor, almost on the one hand wanting to see, if you can poke the baer and get him to not to the attorneys party line and the other hand, it will become rabbit hole after rabbit hole, if he is allowed to testify on all these matters, you can t really constrain them in the same way, but in the court of public opinion, so to speak. even for these jurors, who will have to know just what s in front of them. they might know a great deal of this already, and he might be enticed into trying to change their mind. there s no question that donald trump sees himself as his best salesman. and we saw that in the e jean carroll case. the second one where there was a jury and then he was present for and he was clearly trying to make eye contact. he was trying to smile at people. he believes he is his own best salesman a
During a special meeting on Thursday, Circleville City Council announced a seperation agreemntThe Circleville police chief and deputy chief are off the job. Ci
Circleville taxpayers are forking out at least $50,000 to pay for investigations into the city's police chief and deputy police chief who have both been relieve
< - DeepRock Minerals Inc. is pleased to welcome Mr. Roger Baer as a new member of its board of directors. With a wealth of over 35 years in accounting and financial management, Mr. Baer brings extensive expertise primarily garnered within the mining. - Veroeffentlicht am 17.02.2024
Bridger Aerospace Group Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:BAER – Get Free Report) was the target of a significant growth in short interest in November. As of November 15th, there was short interest totalling 284,800 shares, a growth of 15.8% from the October 31st total of 245,900 shares. Approximately 11.0% of the shares of the stock are sold […]