Turkiye has neutralised a senior member, Sabri Abdullah, of the PKK/YPG group in Syria s Ayn al Arab, security sources confirmed on Sunday. Abdullah, code-named Mazlum Karamok, had earlier ordered .
In just half a year, 25 Kurdish journalists were imprisoned in Turkey. On the day of the sixth month of the first arrests, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on Turkey authorities to make the indictments public immediately and to take urgent measures to safeguard the rights of journalists and press freedom.
A communist critique of the essentially nationalist politics of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) as well as disturbing features about the internal organisation like the abuse of female members. While we don't agree with all of the politics of the ICC, this is a useful contribution and is all the more relevant now that many Western radical seem to be being taken in by PKK propaganda that it is now a "libertarian socialist" organisation. Trigger warning for mention of sexual violence.