"Let us pray without growing weary, because prayer is effective, and let us ask the Lord for the gift of minds and hearts that are concretely dedicated to peace."
Herald Malaysia - daily news source with Malaysian and Global coverage of the Catholic Churches. Catholic News,World Christian News, Malaysia Church News
Herald Malaysia - daily news source with Malaysian and Global coverage of the Catholic Churches. Catholic News,World Christian News, Malaysia Church News
Joi, 30 Septembrie 2021 - Judecatorul care i-a dat castig de cauza studentului care a cerut sa se cazeze in caminele Universitatii Stefan cel Mare din Suceava si-a motivat solutia. Magistratul de la Tribunalul Suceava a aratat ca studentul ar fi constrans indirect sa se vaccineze si asta pentru ca nu ar avea bani sa isi faca testele PCR prin care sa dovedeasca faptul ca nu este infectat cu Covid.