trump has not demonstrated, not just by calling us rapists, criminals, drug dealers, but in his latest debate saying bad hombres were, you know, prevalent amongst us, and i think policy aside a fundamental lack of respect for a community is what is costing him this election. now, let me follow with you one second, mayra, some of my best friends are cubales from southern florida. and i got to tell you they like trump. and say this idea that all i care about is being able to get into the country easily is silly. most of us are here legally. almost all of us are here legally and i care about the economy, i m a small business guy, i want strong immigration, so, is this idea that all latinos are offended by trump farfetched? well, i don t presume to speak for all latinos. but i will say that being on the ground, and not just in miami, but in orlando where we have a huge contingent of puerto rican
they say you heard what he says about us. you heard what he said about that judge. what do you say in response? i tell them if you care about spoil and the future of this country, then you vote for trump. if you want more of the same policy that you had in the country you fled you vote for hillary. so you ignore what he said about your community? we do ignore it, because most of it is not true. okay. the the what started all of this is original campaign speech when he decided to run for president, what started this entire, oh, he hates mexicans b.s., quite frankly, was a speech that was taken out of context where they ignored the sentence following where he said most mexicans come into this country are criminals and rapists, and guess what he said right after that that i guess a lot of them are good people, okay. so everybody ignores that statement. and they think that he hates immigrants. he s not anti-immigrant. he s pro-american. if you re pro-america and pro-american op