There are plenty of situations where more units can you been built by limited by the density controls were saying if you build at least 20 percent of Affordable Housing on site those units will not count against the city limits you can build more without reducing the number of market value unit so developers will no longer have a disincentive. The legislation in effect for Affordable Housing developments in terms of developments that are one hundred percent affordable typically built and our nonprofit partners the density controls based on lot size will be eliminated for those projects so the Affordable Housing developers will have the option of including for unit in developments and so colleagues again, this is a straightforward piece of legislation. As we know in addressing our housing crisis theres no one solution it requires us to do a number of Different Things this try to move towards a more affordable city colleagues, i ask for your support ill note the Planning Commission voted
Hearing chavez and nona madam clerk, any announcements . Yes and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Items acted upon today will be 0 on the june 8th agenda call item 3. The street name change the recognition of the dr. Tom what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . A place. Supervisor kim is the author. Yes. Were excited about this in light of pride weekend coming up but unfortunately, the family mr. Taylor the daughter wasnt able to attend tom o deldz e decimal daughter so im making a motion to actually this july july 21st. Supervisor cowen weve started with item 3. So we will open this opener Public Comment any Public Comment on that item on item 3 i guess its a good choice of a name its excellent. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on item 3 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And supervisor kim has made a motion to continue item 3 to july 21st. Can i have a second on that motion can we take that without object
On is peaking order. I want to thank our clerk andrea and also our staff at the sfgovtv for broadcasting this hearing chavez and nona madam clerk, any announcements . Yes and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Items acted upon today will be 0 on the june 8th agenda call item 3. The street name change the recognition of the dr. Tom what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . A place. Supervisor kim is the author. Yes. Were excited about this in light of pride weekend coming up but unfortunately, the family mr. Taylor the daughter wasnt able to attend tom o deldz e decimal daughter so im making a motion to actually this july july 21st. Supervisor cowen weve started with item 3. So we will open this opener Public Comment any Public Comment on that item on item 3 i guess its a good choice of a name its excellent. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on item 3 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And supervisor kim has mad
Motion to table this item. Without objection this item is tabled. Madam clerk is there any other items before us today. That concludes our items for today. Okay this meeting is adjourned thank you. Good morning and welcome to the board of supervisors San Francisco Land Use Economic Development committee im scott wiener little chair tomato is supervisor jane kim and our supervisor cowen will be here mom will i ill note were not in our standard room this is the temporary room theres a lot going on and were not highup on is peaking order. I want to thank our clerk andrea and also our staff at the sfgovtv for broadcasting this hearing chavez and nona madam clerk, any announcements . Yes and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Items acted upon today will be 0 on the june 8th agenda call item 3. The street name change the recognition of the dr. Tom what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . A place. Supervisor kim is the author. Yes. Were
Want to open. Welcome, everybody. I am neil cavuto and this is your world. And whats going at the white house and maybe forcing home the point. President trump is urging governors across the country to follow the lead of Florida Governor ron desantis Whose Administration had just ordered that all schools reopen this august. We dont want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons. They think its going to be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed, no way. We are very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools. On the opposite end of the spectrum from what florida is doing, harvard has announced that all classes will be online for the entire school year until the spring of 2021 and there are a bunch of hybrid options in between, so there is a huge range for educators and parents to consider but the one thing the Trump Administration has been very clear on today is the cdcs guidance never recommended that school