Participating candidates, in alphabetical surname order, were
Andrew Grant Houston. The five qualified by participating in the Alliance’s endorsement process and having at least 1,000 donors, Hopkins said during introductions.
The questioning included full-length answers as well as lightning-round yes/no questions. Opening statements were requested to include the answer to: “If you could wave a magic wand and do one thing to end the gun-violence epidemic, what would it be?” Here’s how the candidates responded: (Note that in all responses in this report, only quotation marks signify an exact quote – otherwise it’s our summarizing/paraphrasing.)
Echohawk: “Get rid of all guns in the city and the country … (and) this world.”
Lessons for 2021 from Seattle’s first Black mayor
Norm Rice led the city when the issue of school busing was boiling over. His latest book offers a path toward solutions during times of tumult.
Mayor Norm Rice speaks at Seattle Public Schools in November, 1995. (City of Seattle Archives)
Do we need a healer for mayor?
As we leave the political tumult of 2020, we re already headed deep into the tumult of 2021. Seattle faces a test of its taste in leadership with the decision by Mayor Jenny Durkan not to run for a second term. What kind of mayor suits the times and challenges ahead? The mayoral race looks to be rollicking. Two city council at-large seats will be up for grabs, testing citywide, rather than district-centric, attitudes. Other council members have been thought to eye a run for mayor. And Kshama Sawant, the most senior member on the city council, faces a possible recall.