GLOVERSVILLE The Fulton County Board of Elections Wednesday confirmed there were 343 absentee ballot applications sent out to residents of Gloversville prior to the local election on Tuesday, and so far 214 have been returned and that's enough, in theory, to affect the outcome of the mayor's race
GLOVERSVILLE — Unofficial vote totals Tuesday night showed incumbent Mayor Vince DeSantis with a 96-vote lead over challenger Republican William Rowback Jr.
GLOVERSVILLE Unofficial vote totals Tuesday night showed incumbent Mayor Vince DeSantis with a 96-vote lead over challenger Republican William Rowback Jr.DeSantis had received 1,094 votes to Rowback's 998, according to the unofficial vote totals from the Fulton County Board of Elections. DeSantis
GLOVERSVILLE Gloversville Assessor Joni Dennie told the Common Council on Tuesday that over the past three weeks she's picked up documents from Fulton County for 60 new property transfers. "I have never had volume like this," Dennie said. "It's a lot of work, I'll tell you that. It's not just a