“Our ancestors are still here, their footsteps are still here, their voices are still here, and I want to thank you for being here for us and for them.
Milford Borough as seen from Milford Knob (Photo by Pamela Chergotis)
The draft of Milford’s proposed comprehensive plan will go up for review on Jan. 15 with an eye toward making a final presentation to the borough on March 16 for potential adoption.
Simone Collins Landscape Architecture is developing the plan and reviewing it with the comprehensive plan committee, which includes the Milford Borough Council, Mayor Sean Strub, local business people, and planners.
The public will have 45 days, from Jan. 15 through March 1, to submit comments to Simone Collins, which held its third and final public meeting online on Dec. 16 and further outlined the plan’s goals in seven areas: land use, transportation, open space and recreation, community facilities, resources, housing, and economic development.