Online conference takes new approach to getting anti-discrimination ordinance in Bibb County
Education is key to activists who are trying to pass a Comprehensive Civil Rights ordinance. Now a two-day online conference will explain why the local law is needed Author: Katelyn Sabater (13WMAZ) Updated: 8:25 PM EDT April 19, 2021
MACON, Ga. Macon-Bibb activists say they plan to ask the county again to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance this year. Their first steps will focus on educating the community.
Najiva Timothee is a Diversity and Inclusion Trainer in Central Georgia.
When she found out former Mayor Robert Reichert vetoed the anti-discrimination ordinance last year, she couldn’t believe it.
Macon averaged about one homicide a week in 2020. Author: Taelore Hicks (WMAZ) Updated: 7:59 PM EST December 31, 2020
MACON, Ga. 2020 will be a year that we will never forget for many reasons. From being in a pandemic, to race relations, and right in Macon, witnessing the record breaking number of homicides that took place this year. There s just really no good reason for it but the inability to resolve interpersonal conflict with lethal force, Mayor Robert Reichert said.
These were Mayor Reichert words when addressing the uptick of violence in Macon.
Jasmine Williams is the cousin of 15-year-old, Jamerian Lawrence. Lawrence was killed in a drive-by shooting. He was one of six teens to die violently this year.
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MACON, GEORGIA (41NBC/WMGT) – In matter of days, and after 13 years in office, Macon-Bibb County Mayor Robert Reichert will finish his final term. Reichert has spent decades serving the people of Macon and Bibb County. The Democrat is a military veteran and attorney. He served as a Georgia State Representative and a Macon City Council member before becoming Mayor in 2007. And while his time in office is growing short, he says his to-do list is pretty long.
“You never get everything done, buttoned up just the way you want it,” said Mayor Robert Reichert. “There is always something else to do and something else you really meant to do before your time was up.”
Mayor-elect Lester Miller will be sworn in on December 30. Author: Ashlyn Webb (WMAZ) Updated: 7:37 PM EST December 22, 2020
MACON, Ga. For the first time in 13 years, a transition of power is underway inside the Macon-Bibb County Government Center. Mayor Robert Reichert is preparing to step down, and Mayor-Elect Lester Miller will take over.
You can tell how busy it is when you walk into the Government Center from the ongoing renovations to Reichert and Miller getting ready for the big transition at the beginning of the year.
The mayor s office is being renovated for the first time in at least 13 years. It s getting a fresh coat of paint and new carpet. In the hall, portraits are waiting to be hung of the new mayor and commission.