By a unanimous vote and before a packed audience, Paris City Council elected former Mayor Pro-Tem Reginald Hughes as mayor and Mihir Pankaj as mayor pro-tem at a Tuesday meeting
On behalf of the Paris Police Department, Mr. Kimmie Snowton, Community Outreach Coordinator, would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the families of Paris who turned out at Leon Williams Park for the First Annual "Hop with a Cop" event that was co-sponsored and organized primarily by Mrs. Yola
Actions by both city and county officials at meetings last week serve as indicators that our community’s governmental bodies are functioning properly and in a manner to meet the needs
With unanimous approval Monday night, Paris City Council took the recommendation of the city manager to combine the positions of EMS chief and fire chief and handed the responsibilities of
With little opposition from the public at a Monday night meeting, the Paris City Council moved forward with plans to privatize both commercial and residential trash services within the city.