City Line Towing was seeking a licensing agreement to use land under the First Street bridge in Willmar as a thoroughfare between its Benson Avenue properties on either side of the bridge, but moved forward with building a fence and moving cars onto the land before an agreement was in place.
Willmar Mayor Marv Calvin, during an interview Tuesday with West Central Tribune, reflected on what went well and what could have been better during his time leading the city.
Willmar Municipal Utilities General Manager John Harren presented to the Willmar City Council the need to increase rates to finance construction of a new water treatment plant, as well as what actions were taken to minimize the rate increase.
While discussing a new position for the Willmar Parks and Recreation Department, other councilors and city staff were noticeably uncomfortable with Willmar City Councilor Rick Fagerlie's line of questioning and criticism of the department's director, Rob Baumgarn.