Three candidates are vying for two seats in the Dublin City Council’s at-large election on Nov. 8. Vice Mayor Jean Josey, Planning Commission alternate Kashef Qaadri and former planning commissioner
Kashef Qaadri, a current alternate member of the Dublin Planning Commission, has qualified for the ballot to run again for the Dublin City Council, competing for one of two at-large council seats up for grabs this fall.
A large housing development rejected earlier this year after facing a referendum petition is now back on the horizon in Dublin following the council s approval of an amendment to the project that will bind it to state housing laws.
DUBLIN — The East Ranch housing project, target of a successful referendum and ordinance repeal in March, returned to the city council May 3 in the form of amended approval
Months after voting to approve an ambitious housing project that garnered controversy from neighboring community members and the school district, the Dublin City Council reversed course on the proposed East Ranch development.