In a Tuesday press conference organized by community organization Alliance San Diego, residents discussed their experiences and said that the flooding was less a natural disaster than a predictable failure of long-neglected infrastructure.
Editordude: Here's two different articles just published by local media in how Mayor Gloria's friends are promoting the sole Republican in the race in order to sideline the other two Democratic candidates running against him. The first is by Michael Smolens in today's U-T and the other is by Alberto Garcia at La Prensa. Pro-Gloria…
One of Mayor Gloria's campaign opponents, Larry Turner, claims he and his family live in Ocean Beach, having moved here in July 2023, is under scrutiny by Gloria's allies for possibly violating residency rules in running for mayor. It's not the OB address that's under question, however. The Voice of San Diego reports today that…
After a big, two-year much-hallooed process by the City of San Diego to "diversity" the 42 existing neighborhood planning groups, only two neighborhoods have had rival groups emerge to contest the re-recognition of the existing group. La Jolla and Uptown. But not the other 40 neighborhoods where panels made up of volunteers from the…
The Mountain View resident confronted Mayor Todd Gloria at a press conference after the Jan. 22 winter storm devastated her southeast San Diego neighborhood.