That is the most recent 'shot-fired' in the media beef between Mayor Esposito and his rival candidate Roberto Alves. To understand how we got to desperate we'll need to back things up a bit.
New probably isn't the right way to describe them, they are lateral transfers meaning they were police officers elsewhere. The hires are not just getting attention here in the Hat City, but also in the Big City. According to the NY Post, 6 of the 9 officers are former NYPD officers who are leaving a department where morale is horrible.
We covered a wide array of topics with Esposito but what stood out were some exciting announcements related to communication. The Mayor has added a PR specialist to his staff (we'll come back to that) and the City is launching a new website on Monday (10/3/22). This is what the Mayor had to say of the tech update.
The organization is made up of war veterans who are seeking to construct a CT monument that honors veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. First they set out to find out if there already was one, anywhere in the country. They looked in the nations's capital and learned that there wasn't.
Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito has been in attendance each day so far, and told us he intends to keep coming back each day until the event closes Sunday evening.The Mayor joined the Ethan and Lou Show on Thursday (9/8/22) and spoke about his high expectations for this event saying: It's going to be one of the best ever here in the City of Danbury.