A request by the head of Lehighton for the police department to take back a police bay turned into a heated debate at Monday’s borough council meeting.
Borough Mayor Clark Ritter asked borough council.
The cost for Lehighton to replace the fire escape at its police department building would come with a hefty price tag.
Borough engineer Vanessa Nedrick, of Remington & Vernik, told borough council.
Lehighton’s mayor has urged borough officials to be diligent when it comes to what types of uses can be allowed under its ordinances.
Borough Mayor Clark Ritter told borough council earlier this month.
A new curfew has been approved for Lehighton borough parks.
On a 6-0 vote, borough council on Monday adopted an ordinance amending the borough park time change, moving it up to 9 p.m.
That includes Co.
The Christmas season in Lehighton kicked off in style on Sunday with the 7th Annual Christmas in the Park and Tree Lighting Ceremony.
“I think that Lehighton’s Christmas in the Park event gets bigger,.