"People will say that they are surprised that Mayo Clinic could flourish in a place like Rochester. My response is that Mayo Clinic thrives not in spite of, but rather because of Rochester," said Matthew Dacy, the director of Mayo Clinic’s Heritage Hall.
Livestreamed concerts begin Friday. 6:00 am, May 12, 2021 ×
Tony McGrath, (back) operations manager with RC Communications, and Mitch Gerovasil, (front) a technician with RC Communications, work on setting up an audio streaming system for the carillon Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at the top of Mayo Clinic s Plummer Building in downtown Rochester. Audio and video equipment is being installed this week to allow for the livestreaming of performances by Mayo Clinic Carillonneur Austin Ferguson. A concert to premiere the livestream equipment is scheduled for noon on May 14. (Joe Ahlquist / jahlquist@postbulletin.com)
Since 1928, when a carillon was installed atop the Plummer Building, downtown Rochester listeners have been treated to near-daily concerts from this musical instrument made of bells.