million in the past decade. and jackass 3-d could be worth $100 million more. intellectualizing, jackass, a long walk in a cold rain. you know? we try to thing of stuff that is funny. reporter: hang out with them for an afternoon you will discover there is no act in johnny knoxville s act. mayhem isn t constant, actually, he is subdued and polite for a guy that likes to bring air horns to the golf course. that sort of zest for life that took hold of a young asthmatic named philip john clapp and and convinced him to get out of his native knoxville. making plywood dirt bike ramps and going off the garage? not really, man. when i was little i was really sick a lot with asthma and allergies. i grew up in front of the tv mostly. reporter: makes sense tom & jerry and the three stooges helped shape his world view. after high school he came to