"That should have been the role of government, to advocate for workers," IBON Foundation s Sonny Africa says. "But the government sides with employers. If employers say that they cannot afford to raise wages, the government just agrees."
The hashtag "#StandWithJTWorkers" appeared on local Twitter on Monday as workers of one of the most popular couriers in online shopping platforms protest
The UOD was successfully established on February 2, 1902, at Variedades Theater in Sampaloc, Manila to uplift the conditions of the workers in the crucial times of United States imperialist aggression.
You Are Here:Home → 2021 → March → 1 → Retrenched workers of garments factory want their jobs back
Retrenched workers of garments factory want their jobs back
MANILA Workers of garments factory Hanes held a dance protest in front of the company’s head office in Makati early Monday morning, March 1, demanding due renumeration.
The Hanes plant in Laguna closed in October 2020 supposedly ‘to prevent further losses,’ leaving over a thousand of its employees, mostly women, jobless. In 2018, the Department of Labor and Employment ordered the company to regularize its workers but the clothing company has refused to heed the order.