FOR the very first time, the Human Resources Ministry – through the Social Security Organisation (PERKESO) – will organise its MYFutureJobs Career Fair and the Housewives’ Social Security Scheme 2023 (SKSSR) in three states on two consecutive weekends, offering a total of nearly 15,000 job opportunities from over 100 employers.
PETALING JAYA: The legal fraternity will be casting a keen eye over how the Federal Court addresses issues of conflict of interests affecting two judges who presided over Najib Razak’s SRC International corruption trial and appeal.
<p class="wysiwyg-text-align-center"><i>THE CAPITAL MARKET CONVERSATION</i></p>
<p><i>Key highlights announced by the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia;</i></p>
<p>· <i>RM10 million seed funding to encourage demand of Malaysian-generated carbon credits</i><i> </i></p>
<p>· <i>Enhanced LEAP Transfer Framework and </i><i>Approved Adviser Framework for ACE Market</i><i> </i></p>
<p>· <i>Development of a Centralised Sustainability Reporting Platform</i></p>
<p>· <i>Enhancement of the Islamic finance ecosystem through Waqf optimisati
PETALING JAYA: Beware of an online contest scam, which falsely uses the name of Acting Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk S. Sasikala Devi, and promises RM270,000 in cash prizes.