D. W. Creative. Paul paul. Paul. Is firing back at a little bit of. Hero max de deli. Much of it. Surely is from africa and the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of easy to i want website to debutantes much for joining us on facebook at g. W. For guy. Approaching cope. We realized that the new york John Lloyd Stevens left an impeccable account of the sunken city when he saw eight hundred forty one. Even i can the ruins to a ship wrecked at sea the mosques gone the crew lost a number to say where they came from whose people they were how long theyd been on how they came about. Firstly europeans have dismissed the maya as a primitive they could not conceive that their ancestors had built the city but stevens could no longer accept that the ancient chinese or egyptians had built these monuments to the american this was the legacy of a culture great in its own right. And now with my own hieroglyphs largely deciphered the steelers on the main square on a f