we now move to the prayer of the faithful. translator: brothers and sisters, let us pray to god our father for his forgiveness and rebirth to the living hope for the resurrection of jesus to the dead. the response is let us pray to the lord. translator: we pray in german. the pope emeritus benedict who has fallen asleep in the lord, may the eternal shepherd receive him into his kingdom of light and peace. translator: we pray in french. for our holy father pope francis and for all the pastors of the church, may they proclaim fearlessly in word and deed ch christ s victory over evil and death. 6 translator: we pray in arabic. for our leaders of nations and international organizations, may they strive to promote justice and peace with wisdom and foresight. translator: we pray in portuguese. for our brothers and sisters in need, may god s love open our hearts to compassion and concern for the poor and for the least of our brothers and sisters. tran
we now move to the prayer of the faithful. brothers and sisters, let us pray to god his father. his great mercy has given us rebirth for resurrection from the dead. the response is let us pray to the lord. we pray in german. for pope emeritus benedict xvi who has fallen asleep in the lord, may the eternal shepherd receive him into his kingdom of light and peace. we pray in french. for our holy father pope francis and all pastors, may they perform in deed christ s victory overevil and death. evi. we pray in arabic. for leaders of nations and international organizations, may they strife to promote justice and peace with wisdom and foresight. we pray in portuguese. for our brothers and sisters in need, may god s love open our hearts to compassion and concern for the poor and for the least of our brothers and sisters. and we pray in italian. for as gathered to celebrate the defeat of death by the triumph of the lord jesus, may it be for h
translator: we pray in german. the pope emeritus benedict who has fallen asleep in the lord, may the eternal shepherd receive him into his kingdom of light and peace. translator: we pray in french. for our holy father pope francis and for all the pastors of the church, may they proclaim fearlessly in word and deed ch christ s victory over evil and death. 6
we now move to the prayer of the faithful. brothers and sisters, let us pray to god his father. his great mercy has given us rebirth for resurrection from the dead. the response is let us pray to the lord. we pray in german. for pope emeritus benedict xvi who has fallen asleep in the lord, may the eternal shepherd receive him into his kingdom of light and peace.