Sailing Week committee says plans in motion for 2022
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By Neto Baptiste
Planning has started for the 2022 instalment of Antigua Sailing Week (ASW) with organisers set to utilise the period allocated for the now-cancelled 2021 edition as an opportunity to jumpstart public awareness.
This is according to ASW President and Commercial Director,
Alison Sly-Adams, who said the board has met and a number of ideas have been placed on the table.
“We have already started, you know us and we will be, for sure, using the week this year as a media opportunity to still get the message out about Antigua and Antigua Sailing Week and encourage people to come back for next year so we have already got some ideas we’re cooking up as to how we can make that interesting, and make the most of our week’s window we still own in the racing calendar, even though it won’t be physically happening,” she said.