people 50 0 and older r wih at l least 1 heaeart dise risk factotor have h higher risksks. don t t take if alallergic toto rinvoq as serioious reactioions can ococcur. tell youour doctor i if you e or may b become pregegnant. put uc i in check anand kp it there w with rinvoqoq. ask yourur gastroentnterologt about ririnvoq and lelearn how ababbvie can n help you s save. . tonight an inspiring story of resurrection. the massive spire on paris s notre dame cathedral is set to rise again. you no doubt remember it was destroyed by fire four years ago. cbs s elaine cobbe reports it s being rebuilt by hundreds of carpenters in a workshop in eastern france. reporter: four years ago, the world looked on in horror as notre dame was engulfed in flames. the cathedral s massive timber roof was lost to the fire. the iconic spire, made of oak and metal, was destroyed. soon, though, it will rise again over paris.
withth certain c chemotherapas as y your first t treatmentt ifif you do nonot have an a abnormal egfr o or alk gegene. keyeytruda can n cause yourur e system toto attack hehealthy ps of your bobody duduring or afafter treatmtm. this may b be severe and lelead to deatath. see your d doctor righght awy if you h have cough,h, shortnesess of breatath, chchest pain, , diarrhea,, sesevere stomamach pain, severere nausea oror vomitin, headache, , light sensnsitivi, eye proboblems, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, constipatition, didizziness oror fainting,, chchanges in a appetite, thirstst, or urinene, coconfusion, m memory probob, muscle p pain or weaeakness, fever, rasash, ititching, or r flushing.. ththere may bebe otheher side effffects. tellll your doctctor about all yoyour medicalal conditio, inclcluding immune sysystem problelems, ifif you veve had or plpln toto have an o organ or s stem cell t transplant, receceived chestst radiation or havave a nervouous syststem p
fourth of july celebration, and how it has inspired generations along the way. known for r lessons ththat mat. knowown for lessssons that m m. knknown for bebeing a freeee s. nono one wantsts to be known n for cancerer, but a trtreatment cacan be. keytruda i is known to treatat cancer, fda-approvoved for 1616 types of f cancer. one of t those cancecers is advdvanced nonsnsquamous, non-small l cell lung g cance, where kekeytruda iss approvoved to be u used withth certain c chemotherapas as y your first t treatmentt ifif you do nonot have an a abnormal egfr o or alk gegene. keyeytruda can n cause yourur e system toto attack hehealthy ps of your bobody duduring or afafter treatmtm. this may b be severe and lelead to deatath. see your d doctor righght awy if you h have cough,h, shortnesess of breatath, chchest pain, , diarrhea,, sesevere stomamach pain, severere nausea oror vomitin, headache, , light sensnsitivi, eye proboblems, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, constipat
states congresswoman i defending the suspected leaker of those classified documents. plus, how vulnerable are america s secrets? amy mcgrath is here to give us the answer, some may b chilling later, get ready for a drink our friday night cap on all th big news of the week from what is going down in florida t eroding trust in our mos important institutions the 11th hour is just gettin underway on a friday night
government does. and they look at, are yo somebody who is in a lot o debt are you going to potentially sell secrets to erase your debt? are you somebody who has a lot of foreign contacts, or mayb you have a relationship with somebody that has a contac with a foreign country who you could compromise information that way that was 20 years ago. i think now, one of the bigges threats that we have is th extremist threat within our ow ranks, within the intelligence community, or the military itself and we have to look at that. our government is going to hav to look at some of the thing that people with access to classified information t online, on their off time. because this is exhibit a fo extremism in the military righ now. we do not know what this individual, why he did what he did. we do not know if it is becaus he went online and wanted to impress his friends. but we do know, and it appears