a secret republican fund used to finance intelligence-gathering operations against the democrats. still, november 1972, president nixon is re-elected in a landslide. a couple months later, two former nixon aides are convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and wiretapping. soon after, white house counsel john dean is fired. in may 1973, the senate watergate committee begins televised hearings. former white house counsel john dean testifies. the watergate matter was an inevitable outgrowth of a climate of excessive concern over the political impact of demonstrators, excessive concern over leaks, an insatiable appetite for political intelligence, all coupled with a do-it-yourself white house staff regardless of the law. dean s testimony was absolutely essential in establishing nixon s guilt. he was the essential inside
still, november 1972, president nixon is re-elected in a landslide. a couple months later, two former nixon aides are convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and wiretapping. soon after, white house counsel john dean is fired. in may 1973, the senate watergate committee begins televised hearings. former white house counsel john dean testifies. the watergate matter was an inevitable outgrowth of a climate of excessive concern over the political impact of demonstrators, excessive concern over leaks, an insatiable appetite for political intelligence, all coupled with a do-it-yourself white house staff regardless of the law. dean s testimony was absolutely essential in establishing nixon s guilt. he was the essential inside witness against nixon. reporter: that same month, the president s former appointment secretary reveals this.
out the watergate prosecutor was appointed may 1973, the president redesisigned in 74 an less than 18 months we went through the entire investigation, there s a 18 minute gap in the tapes and 18 day in firing flynn. we went to the supreme court to get the right to listen to the tapes and we sent a road map to congress for impeachment and had trial and convictions that was all in a year and half. that compares favorably to ken star s investigation. i would hope mueller would be close toer our time line. 18 months would be august 2018. don t forget watergate was