Something that we have not seen in probably a generation, americans around the country huddled in bars early in the morning and around cell phones as they walked down the streets, sneaking into closets in the office or just watching at their desks, rapt and paying attention to two people before this committee at this profound moment of cultural disruption around power, around men, around women. Today for the first time men and women got to meet dr. Blasey ford. That is the woman who says when she was 15 years old judge Brett Kavanaugh as a High School Student sexually assaulted her in a room with his friend mark judge. She was there before the committee with 11 men from the gop on one side. But she did not face questions from them. They instead had outsourced their questioning to Rachel Mitchell, a sex crimes prosecutor from arizona, and a woman, a female assistant in the words of mitch mcconnell. This woman who came forward with her story was someone evidently reluctant, both in the r
Sneaking into closets in the office or just watching at their desks, rapt and paying attention to two people before this committee at this profound moment of cultural disruption around power, around men, around women. Today for the first time men and women got to meet dr. Blasey ford. That is the woman who says when she was 15 years old judge Brett Kavanaugh as a High School Student sexually assaulted her in a room with his friend mark judge. She was there before the committee with 11 men from the gop on one side. But she did not face questions from them. They instead had outsourced their questioning to Rachel Mitchell, a sex crimes prosecutor from arizona, and a woman, a female assistant in the words of mitch mcconnell. This woman who came forward with her story was someone evidently reluctant, both in the reporting and her presentation today, to tell what happened to her, evidently traumatized by what happened. And the story she told was remarkable and affecting. And i think traumati