Investigation reveals new information on La Coubre sabotage
Investigation reveals new information on La Coubre sabotage
Paris, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) Colombian researcher Hernando Calvo Ospina, who lives in Paris, launched on Thursday his book El enigma de La Coubre (The Enigma of La Coubre), in which he provides new information on the tragic explosion of that ship in Cuba 61 years ago.
The launch, whose television broadcast is scheduled for Thursday in Argentina, Cuba and the multi-state channel teleSUR, included the participation of the publishers in Spanish, Portuguese and French languages, as well as Cuban Ambassador to Belgium Norma Goicochea.
The investigation expands the already known details about the explosion of the French vessel La Coubre in the port of Havana, and reveals new elements in interviews to some of the survivors and information from the archives of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, the French state company that owned the ship.