The ornate silver cup Roger Avedon will soon bring home is far more than just a cup. It’s a link to his family’s past in Nazi Germany, a stark and tangible reminder of all they endured and lost.
Mark Zuckerberg boasted that his U.S. tech giant will begin a hiring spree in Europe to build his massive Metaverse. Touted as an opportunity for Europe, the plans could poach precious tech talent from European tech companies.
If you want to check the state of your society, there s a simple test: as the US High Commissioner for Germany, John Jay McCloy, said in 1949, the touchstone for democracy is the wellbeing of Jews. This litmus test is still relevant today. And it seems Germany would not pass.
CAIRO As someone who fully supports the Palestinian cause, it is challenging to write an article about boycotting Israel for fear of being dragged into the particulars of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In a world that is very much manipulated by biased media, it is hard to resist the ur.
Anti-Semitism official Samuel Salzborn in Berlin filed a criminal complaint, saying “it is obvious that right-wing extremists deliberately chose a Jewish grave in order to disturb the eternal peace through the internment of a Holocaust denier.”