By John Lee Grant |
1 hour ago
Executive Assistant Beverly Cassano, School Committee member Gail M. Sullivan, Superintendent Margaret Marotta and Assistant Superintendent Michael Pfifferling at a Haverhill School Committee meeting. (WHAV News file photograph.)
After nearly a year and a half of back-and-forth negotiations, the Haverhill School Committee and Haverhill Education Association reached agreement last week on pay increases and other benefits for the school’s educational support professionals.
School Committee members voted 4-2 last Thursday to ratify a memorandum of understanding that provides ESPs a 2% increase for the current year, paid retroactively to last July 1; another 1.5% increase to take effect July 1, 2022; and a three-step pay scale for the next school year beginning at $21 per hour for one to three years of service, $24 per hour for four to nine years of service and $27 per hour for 10 or more years of service. New hires with bachelors’ degrees start at
By John Lee Grant |
File photograph. (Image licensed by Ingram Image.)
The union representing Haverhill’s educational support professionals and the School Committee have reached tentative agreement on a new contract.
While the draft agreement still requires working out minor details, Haverhill Education Association President Anthony J. Parolisi and negotiator Maureen Zuber thanked the full School Committee. Parolisi said the new agreement moves in the direction of ensuring living wages.
“This is an incredible step on the path towards economic justice for education support professionals, not just here in Haverhill but across the Merrimack Valley and the Commonwealth. This deal will make Haverhill one of the most desirable places for an ESP to work,” Parolisi told the School Committee.
By WHAV Staff |
(File photograph.)
The union representing Haverhill’s education support professionals returns to bargaining with the city in about three weeks after making little progress on a new agreement earlier this week.
The union’s contract with the city’s schools expired at the end June, last year. In an update to members of the Haverhill Educational Association, ESP Chair Maureen Zuber said the Haverhill School Department is “holding firm” on a differential of 50 cents per hour for ESPs to work as the technology or library teacher. The union countered, asking for a differential of $5 per hour.
“…The proposal was extremely disappointing as there was no movement on the (School Committee’s) proposed wage increase of 1.75%, 2% and 1.5% each year,” Zuber said. She added the School Committee did not make a counter offer to the union’s proposal for a “market correction” of $4,000 to bring members closer to earning a living wage or differentials for those
By WHAV Staff |
File photograph. (Image licensed by Ingram Image.)
Haverhill’s education support professionals and the Haverhill School Committee are scheduled to try again today to resolve differences over proposed pay increases.
The ESPs, represented by the Haverhill Education Association, are calling for more progress toward earning, what they call, a “living wage.” Maureen Zuber, the ESP’s bargaining team chair, said the approximately 180 employees are asking for a 2% wage increase retroactive to the start of this school year and next, plus a $4,000 raise next year.
“Our proposal will accelerate our progress toward a living wage by bringing the starting salary for ESPs to $25,000 starting next school year,” Zuber said in a statement. “Haverhill’s ESPs have been undervalued and underpaid for long enough. It’s time for a market correction not just in Haverhill but across the country to make sure these educators and all school staff are compensated fairly for
December 22, 2020
Millie Flores, an education support professional at Haverhill High School, is the 2020-21 Haverhill ESP of the Year. (Courtesy photograph.)
Millie Flores, an education support professional at Haverhill High School, has been selected as the 2020-21 Haverhill ESP of the Year.
Flores works in a special education program for high-needs students. In nominating Flores, teacher Amanda Borrowski wrote, “…teachers require the additional support of our ESPs in order to be able to provide a differentiated education for every child in front of us.” She illustrated her point by noting that to assist one student who does not speak English, Flores “created a bilingual curriculum for not only the student, but also the parent.”