nancy pelosi, elizabeth warren. their job is to keep americans safe. they need to secure our border and protect americans. keep american families together. brian: maureen, it s such an insult when people say anti-or pro-immigrant. no one is anti-immigrant. there is a process to getting here. most clear-thinking americans understand. this this should not be political. it wasn t until recently why now? i don t know why it is now. we allow over 1 million legal immigrants to enter our country every single year. we are a nation that welcomes legal immigrants. it is the illegal immigrants that we have an issue with. they are coming across our border. they are not vetted. we don t know what diseases they are bringing. not fair to those doing the process legally and paying the fees and waiting for their turn to come here. ainsley: it s interesting. because i heard you say keep american families together. governor cuomo says these actions will help keep immigrant families together. thank you,
to understand? well, we just won the nomination this last tuesday really a record turnout in massachusetts right after labor day weekend. the fact of the matter is we just became the candidate. we think we are actually much closener our polling. beyond that elizabeth warn has done nothing for massachusetts. she has been focusing on running for the white house basically since the day she was gnawing rated back in 2012. and so we know that massachusetts we don t appreciate somebody using for the springboard. i look forward to showing the difference my vision for helping my state. brian: did you meet with warren malone killed by i illegal immigrant. do you think that merits. maureen malone s son was killed by someone here illegally had a criminal record and should have been
to be heard in an environment that just heard is meant so much them. as the photographer of this, what kind of statement do you think this makes? what were you going for? i wasn t going for anything other than that i wanted to document them the way i saw them. [ inaudible ] well, it s a fascinating cover and i m sure it was a very interesting shoot, amanda demme, appreciate your time and calling in to talk about it. coming up in our 2:00 p.m. eastern hour, brooke baldwin will interview the writer of the new yorker article maureen malone. thanks so much for watching. i m randi kaye, have a great
you re watching cnn. i m brooke baldwin. if you haven t seen this bill cosby s accusers they are speaking out in a pretty powerful and poignant photo essay published in the new york magazine. let me show you this cover photo. you can see these 35 women sitting each of them in a chair and in the last chair, the bottom right, sits an empty chair. each woman details in graphic memory their encounter with bill cosby and why they have remained silent until now. this comes on the historic spellman college dropping its founded by a foundation linked to bill cosby. here with me now is the author of this piece, new york magazine senior editor maureen malone. thank you for coming by cnn. thanks for having me. this picture this cover photo has been everywhere. i m wondering, first, it s
0 continue fighting. our goal was to have another vote before august recess. we re going to pass this thing. don t give up. we re going to pass this thing. joe, thank you for bringing that issue here. so, we ve been talking about this for a few weeks on this show now since guns came to a head and sorted of the prevailing political logic for two decades now. since the last time we had major gun control legislation that got through, the assault weapons ban, the brady bill in 93 and 94. the logic is democrats paid a huge price for that, al gore didn t win the presidency in 2000 bays of it. he lost states like west virginia, places like this. and the only political price to pay in politics is to stand up to the nra and getting highly engaged pro-second amendment activists outraged at you. what was so striking to me about watching the scene in new hampshire is you have a quintessential swing state, new hampshire, with a senator up for holding the guns and everybody s always said let